Avoid temp saving of czi files

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Fredrik Olsson
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon May 25, 2020 9:53 am

Avoid temp saving of czi files

Post by Fredrik Olsson »


After running many OAD scripts where many images are acquired (but also deleted) I noticed that there is a significant storage of temp images in: C:\Users\Zeiss\AppData\Local\Temp\Zeiss\ZENCore\SavingPath\temp. Can I block this extra saving from my OAD script?

Kind regards
Fredrik Olsson
Johnson amelia
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Re: Avoid temp saving of czi files

Post by Johnson amelia »

To avoid temporarily saving CZI (Carl Zeiss Image) files, you can directly work with the data in memory and avoid writing intermediate files. CZI files are typically large and can consume significant storage space, so minimizing the use of temporary files can be beneficial. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

Use Memory-Mapped Reading: Instead of reading the entire CZI file through Bgm Ringtone into memory at once, consider using memory-mapped reading techniques. This approach allows you to access specific regions of the file directly from disk without the need to load the entire file into RAM.

Read Data in Chunks: If memory-mapped reading is not feasible for your application, read the CZI file in smaller chunks or blocks. Process each chunk separately, and then release the memory before moving to the next chunk. This way, you can avoid loading the entire file into memory simultaneously.
Gertrude Havens
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:56 pm

Re: Avoid temp saving of czi files

Post by Gertrude Havens »

If your OAD script allows it, consider working with the image data directly in memory instead of saving temporary files. This can significantly reduce storage usage and potentially improve processing speed.
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